Our commitment to conservation is fundamental to our vision to create the best places for people today and for generations to come. The Figtree Hill and Gilead precincts will be defined by the conservation areas and green open spaces that are integral to the project.
At completion, the community will be surrounded by over 280 hectares of land that will be dedicated to conservation. This area will be larger than Sydney’s CBD. The conservation areas and fauna crossings under Appin Road will support the growth of the local koala population and deliver two connected east-west corridors between the Georges and Nepean River.
The Lendlease proposal includes a fully funded Koala Conservation Plan, that commits over $35 million to achieving the following:
Koala Conservation Plan
Our Koala Conservation Plan includes 35 actions designed to increase habitat and mitigate risks so that local koalas can thrive and reconnect populations that inhabit the Nepean and Georges rivers.
Environmental Approvals
In preparing the Koala Conservation Plan and Gilead proposal Lendlease has followed recommendations and expert advice by the NSW Government and Chief Scientist & Engineer. Our proposal meets or exceeds all 31 principles for koala protection outlined by the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer (May 2021). Click here for our response.
The NSW Department of Planning and Environment has assessed the proposed conservation corridors and confirmed that they apply the recommendations and subsequent expert advice of the Office of the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer. The Department has published an indicative map outlining the koala corridors at Gilead. View the map on their website.
The Department and Campbelltown City Council have adopted Lendlease proposal to construct two fauna underpasses and fencing of Appin Road, to complement wildlife crossings and reconnect corridors at Gilead. Learn more about how Campbelltown City Council has been an advocate for the conservation of Campbelltown’s koala population at Gilead.
The regeneration program has committed funds to protect and repair natural areas at Figtree Hill in perpetuity by establishing several biobank sites. The current condition of the sites varies because of decades of farming and land clearing prior to Lendlease’s acquisition.
Regeneration Research
Research will help inform the most effective habitat restoration techniques to regenerate the bushland. Working closely with conservation experts, we have set up 10 regeneration pods within the biobank areas to provide insights into the impacts of:
- Temporary and permanent fencing
- Noxious weed and pest species control
- Planting and variety of native species
- Watering and maintenance
The project will also look at the impact of soil type and degradation, water availability and quality, and potential challenges like the impact of invasive species, pest control and historical fertilisers.
As part of our Koala Conservation Plan, we are committed to increasing habitat on-site by 30% in the project’s lifetime, which includes our contributions to the establishment of koala corridors between the Georges and Nepean Rivers, to be protected forever.
We are investing in research and collaborating with government agencies, conservation organisations, wildlife experts, local communities, and new residents to help protect this iconic species.
We have engaged with independent wildlife experts to undertake annual nocturnal drone and visual surveys, the first of which happened in 2020 before construction began. The surveys are completed over 12 nights and cover approximately 770 hectares of land across the project area and neighbouring reserves.
Thermal drones utilise imaging cameras that can detect heat signatures, making them particularly useful for locating the presence of koalas and other wildlife, even when they are hidden among trees or dense vegetation.
The data from the surveys is being used in the planning and construction phase of the project and will be published as part of our ongoing environmental reporting. The program assists in our understanding and provides useful data for research and education into koala distribution, habitat usage, and population dynamics.