Gilead Proposal on Public Exhibition
- 21 Nov 2022
Gilead Proposal on Public Exhibition
Lendlease has submitted a rezoning proposal for Gilead which is currently on public exhibition. The exhibition is managed by the Department of Planning and Environment, and it is open until 19 December 2022.
The proposal includes the delivery of up to 3,300 new homes, parklands, community and education facilities, local infrastructure, and village centre. The planning proposal is supported by detailed technical studies.
Lendlease has prioritised areas for environmental conservation. The planning proposal will contribute to delivering koala corridors, as outlined by the NSW Government, which implement the recommendations of the Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer (OCSE).
The NSW Government is responsible for receiving submissions and assessing the proposal. Information about the public exhibition is available via the planning portal.
Subject to approval of the rezoning proposal, Lendlease will work with Campbelltown City Council to provide detailed development controls and plans for the site, including a masterplan and infrastructure commitments.