Victoria Cross Integrated Station Development

Community Information

Lendlease is delivering the Sydney Metro Victoria Cross integrated station development which includes a 40-storey (plus 2-storey rooftop plant) commercial building above the station’s southern entrance, integrating retail opportunities and enhancing North Sydney as a thriving commercial, residential and entertainment hub.

Project overview

The Victoria Cross integrated station development will provide new employment and retail opportunities, improved pedestrian connections and high-quality outdoor spaces that will form a key part of the growing North Sydney commercial and residential precinct.

The Victoria Cross integrated station development, made up of the metro station and over station development, will include:

  • two station entrances including a northern entrance opening to Miller and McLaren streets, and a southern entrance with pedestrian access to Miller and Denison streets
  • a commercial building above the station’s southern entrance
  • station concourse and platforms beneath Miller Street
  • sustainable, high-quality commercial and retail hub in the heart of North Sydney
  • enhancement of pedestrian infrastructure around the station, as well as new bike parking at the northern entrance, and new kiss and ride bays on McLaren Street opposite the northern entrance
  • improvements to the public domain.


The metro station and commercial and retail precinct have development approval and construction is underway. Completion is anticipated in 2024.

To find out more and receive construction updates about the Sydney Metro Victoria Cross integrated station development, click here. Critical State Significant Infrastructure (CSSI) approval documents relating to the integrated station development can be found at the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Major Projects website here. For further information regarding the Sydney Metro City and Southwest planning and compliance click here.

Station design and precinct plan

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) has approved the Station Design and Precinct Plan (SDPP). It outlines the detailed design for the station, northern station entrance and services building on corner of McLaren and Miller streets, south concourse and ticketing facilities, southern station entrance from Miller and Denison streets and public domain works for the Victoria Cross Station.

The SDPP is available to view on this website here.

Over station development designs

The Minister for Planning and Public Spaces has provided final approval for the modification application to the SSD Concept Approval and the Detailed SSD Application.

You can view the Conditions of Approval set out by DPIE at the following links below:

Procurement Image


Contact us about open tender opportunities, procurement enquiries and additional information

Management plans

Contact us

For more information about the Victoria Cross integrated station development, please visit, call 1800 171 386 or email

Leasing and media enquiries

For more information about our vision for Victoria Cross, please visit

Commercial leasing enquiries

Retail leasing enquiries

Media enquiries