

Contact us about open tender opportunities, procurement enquiries and additional information Annelise.cannon@lendlease.com

Supply chain pre-qualification

  • All proposed Tenderers must have registered and been screened on the Lendlease Supplier Portal – https://lendleasesuppliers.com/web/login.html
  • Once the Tenderer is formally engaged in the tender process, Lendlease’s staff will determine whether Tenderers have the experience, capability, and capacity to do the work, and whether they meet specific project and business selection criteria, such as business structure, quality, EH&S, sustainability, legal & financial, and current performance.
  • During the tender process all suppliers and subcontractors must satisfy the requirements of the project with consideration to the following: submissions, experience, capability, capacity, financial assessment (if required) and project specific criteria.



Tenderers will be required to conform with all relevant and current Australian standards and building codes.

Contact us to be put in touch with awarded subcontractors for the opportunity to participate in downstream tenders:

  • Metalwork
  • Cleaning

For Lendlease career opportunities, go to http://jobopportunities.lendlease.com.au