
Reconciliation in action

  • 12 Nov 2020
With voices rising globally against institutional injustice and inequality based on race, our ability as an organisation to demonstrate principles of reconciliation, diversity and inclusion go beyond words has become more important than ever before.  
Our Lendlease Elevate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is just one way we align our operational performance with our commitment to human rights, specifically the rights of Australia’s First Nations peoples. It outlines our commitment to creating respectful relationships with First Nations peoples that provide opportunities for equal social and economic outcomes.  

In this, our third RAP and second Elevate RAP, we will take a leading role in lifting the industry standard of placemaking by incorporating the self-determination principles and voices of First Nations peoples. 
Our RAP vision and Elevate actions are focused on:  
  • Developing an overarching approach to placemaking led by First Nations voices 
  • Investing in partnerships and programs that preserve language and culture 
  • Investing in community solutions to reduce incarceration 
  • Advocating on national issues 
  • Ensuring First Nations businesses are foundational in our supply chain 
  • Championing First Nations leaders to middle and senior management positions at Lendlease. 
As a business that works across many locations, we have a responsibility to listen, learn, and walk alongside First Nations peoples to ensure our activities support the continuing of connection to their land, waters, cultures, languages and traditions. 
Quotes attributable to Cath Brokenborough, RAP Action Manager, Lendlease: 

“While we continue the work started a decade ago towards shared prosperity and privileging First Nations voices, the Elevate actions in our 2020-2023 RAP are designed to move our company and our industry closer to this vision and to a reconciled nation. 

“We’re working towards achieving large-scale, sustainable change to national industry standards, practices, mindsets and behaviours through close collaboration with First Nations peoples in all facets of placemaking – from business development and planning, to design, delivery and post development. 
“If we are given the recognition we deserve as the First Nations peoples of this land, if the Australian people will partner with us in fair and equal relationship, if we are given a public voice to speak the truth of our existence with you, if we are permitted to participate in making decisions about matters that directly affect our rights, then our people can be healed and reconnected and will again be strong and proud.” 

More information on Lendlease’s Reconciliation Action Plan can be found here.

For more information please contact: 
Jay Pleass, General Manager, External Affairs
+61 412 623 578
